Genome Debate @ Cafe Scientifique

Genome Debate

The debate was held with three expert speakers, each one gave a different viewpoint of how they are using Genome data and the issues around privacy.
Dr James Chong, Senior Lecturer in Biology at The University of York gave a quick overview of how DNA sequencing has developed and then explained the technological advances in his research field of processes connected with DNA replication. Dr Darren Goffin, a neuroscientist who works jointly with the Departments of Biology and Psychology at York University, explained a bit about his research on Rett Syndrome, an illness that effects only girls. The third witness is a GP Dr Farah Shahi, who alongside her medical work is doing some research at the university gave a viewpoint from her work in hospitals and the community.

The speakers provided a thoughtful starting point to the discussions that we continued by firstly suggesting some pros and cons from two members of the public and then moving to a general discussion of the issues. The group was from a wide age range from 20’s to 70’s, some with a scientific background, others were regular Café Sci attenders and one came through finding the event on “Science Live”. Comments on the evaluation form included “erudite”, “thought provoking” and “I enjoyed it and learnt some important things”. We concluded with a vote on “This house believes that all children should have their genome sequenced at birth”, with the result of 6 for and 12 against.

Although the group was smaller than at our usual Café Scientifique sessions we would be interested in using the debate format again as more people had a chance to speak, and in greater depth, than in the usual Q and A. at the end of presentations.