Welcome to the Resources area of the YPS website. Follow the links on the left to see more about:
Publications: Details of the various publications available for purchase directly from YPS.
Articles: Articles on various subjects are published here, some specially commissioned for the website, others extracted from past annual reports. For copyright or other reasons, there may occasionally be articles which are only available in the printed annual reports available from the Lodge.
YPS Archive: A list of archive material held at the Borthwick Institute for Archives, University of York. Indexes of early members, drawn from the archives.
Historical Annual Reports: YPS Annual Reports from 1823 to 1959 are available online, to freely download. An Index to articles 1823-1995 including obituaries, compiled by Sylvia Hogarth, is also available.
Bibliography: A list of publications directly relating to the Society and its interests. If you are interested in buying any book, please consider linking to Amazon using our Amazon-Associates account, which helps to raise funds for YPS every time you make a purchase via this link.
YPS Lodge Library: Information about the library held in the YPS Lodge, available to Members.
Past events: An extensive database of reports and links relating to past lectures and activities. Search by title, keyword or date.