The Clerk in the Country

Friday 17th December 2021

20 years ago …

No, the title isn’t a misprint!  The Yorkshire Philosophical Society’s bicentenary coincides with a milestone of my own: twenty years as its Clerk.

My first day in the Lodge was 18th December 2001, a Tuesday, and I remember that it didn’t quite start according to plan.  My drive into York from the south was beset by delays: unusually heavy traffic where I was trying to turn right onto the main road, a faulty light at roadworks, and even a lorry stuck in mud.  Joining yet another queue, I realized with dismay that I didn’t have the Lodge’s telephone number with me.  In those far-off days my rudimentary mobile phone didn’t store numbers automatically.  Another sign of passing years – the car park charge for the day was “only” £6.  I arrived at the office on time, just, but somewhat breathless.

I’d like to thank all those who, hearing about my anniversary, sent good wishes, signed the card and contributed to the gift of a beautiful ceramic vase, made by YPS member Judith Glover, which was presented to me at the Annual Dinner last week, making an already very enjoyable occasion especially memorable for me.

Whatever uncertainties we may face as we begin this festive season, one thing is sure: the year will turn.  I wish everyone a very happy Winter Solstice.