Happy 200th Birthday to the Yorkshire Philosophical Society
Today YPS Members are enjoying the Society’s 200th birthday with a Bicentenary Dinner in York Mansion House.
On the blog you can read how the Society began on 7th December 1822 at James Atkinson’s house on Lendal, York; who with his friends William Salmond and Anthony Thorpe discussed what to do with the fossils from the recent Kirkdale Cave discoveries.
As membership grew the Society built and founded the Yorkshire Museum and gardens which are continuing as a very special part of York today. The story of the Society is a fascinating insight into the life of York, Yorkshire and further afield and as a result the Society is also publishing “From Cave to Cosmos: a history of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society” by Sarah Sheils as part of the celebrations.
Copies available from the YPS office and an order form here: