“The Most Fortunate Situation” History of the Museum Gardens

by Dr Peter Hogarth and Professor Ewan Anderson.

Founded by the Yorkshire Philosophical Society in 1828, the Museum Gardens in York are a treasured green space in the heart of the City, appreciated by tourists, admired by gardeners, and loved by residents, many of whom have family memories of time spent there.

As part of its bicentenary celebrations, the Society proposes to publish a history of the Gardens. Researched and written by Society members Dr Peter Hogarth (University of York) and Professor Ewan Anderson (University of Durham), the book will reveal the rich history of these grounds from Roman times to the present day, add to our knowledge of York and explore the wider context of botanic and public gardens.

Planned publication in 2018. More details from info@ypsyork.org

Leaflet available from The YPS Office at The Lodge, Museum Gardens.