Laws of the Society

Yorkshire Philosophical Society

(Charity reg. 529709)


Preliminary note

1. The Laws form one of three main governing documents for the Society; the other two are:

2. Charity Commission scheme of 13 December 1960, parts I and II, which establishes the legal existence, the name, and the objectives of the Society.

3. Agreement of 9 December 2009, between the York Museums and Gallery Trust, the City of York Council and the Yorkshire Philosophical Society. It relates to the management of the Yorkshire Museum and Gardens and defines the Society’s obligations.

4. Governance and policy documentation is listed at the end.

1. Mission

To stimulate public understanding of the sciences, including natural, physical, social and archaeological sciences, and their effects on society, past, present, and future.

2. Objectives

To –

i) Arrange lectures for the general public and for Society members.

ii) Initiate and/or promote innovative projects, programmes, activities or events in line with the Society’s mission.

iii) Support research, publications, and appropriate causes, primarily in the Yorkshire region, by the issue of grants or loans.

iv) Support the interests of the Yorkshire Museum, its collections and the Museum Gardens

v) Support voluntary initiatives by members in promoting the Society’s objectives.

The latest update can be downloaded as a pdf here:

Laws of the YPS Approved at AGM 230620