Who’s Who
- Professor Sir Ron Cooke, DL, Former Vice-Chancellor, University of York
- Professor Charlie Jeffery, Vice-Chancellor, University of York
- Professor Deborah Smith, OBE DSc PhD
Honorary Vice-Presidents
- Dr Peter Addyman, CBE, MA, DSc, DUniv, FSA, MIFAMr
- Mr Stephen Lusty, BA
- Mrs Barbara Weatherley
- Chair: Mr David Harbourne, BSc
- Vice-Chairs: Mrs Carole Smith, MA and Dr Roger Pinder
- Hon. Secretary : Vacancy
- Hon. Treasurer elect : Mrs Sally Osgerby
- Hon. Lecture Programme Group Chair: Dr Roger Pinder, BSc, PhD, DSc
- Hon. Editor : Mrs Felicity Hurst, BA, MA
- Hon. Librarian/Archivist: Vacancy
- Hon. Website Officer: Professor Gavin Thomas, BSc(Hons), PhD, FRSB, FHEA
Council Members
- Miss Catherine Brophy, BA, MCILIP, PGCE
- Mr Jon Coulson, MSc, JP
- Dr Andrew Jones, BSc, DPhil, MIFA, FSA, FSA Scot
- Professor Andrew Marvin, MEng, PhD, FREng, IEEE Life Fellow
- Dr Dorothy Nott, B.A. M.A. PhD, Dip.Soc Admin
Café Scientifique Team: Miss Catherine Brophy and Dr Andrew Jones
Communications Team: Miss Catherine Brophy, Mrs Margaret Leonard, Mrs Carole Smith
Governance Group: Mrs Carole Smith, Miss Catherine Brophy, and others
Activities Group: Mrs Rosemary Anderton (Chair), Mrs Heather Marvin, Mrs Margaret Leonard, Mrs Sharon Lusty, and others
Geology Group: Mr Paul Thornley (Chair), Dr Rod Leonard, Dr Liam Herringshaw, Mrs Margaret Leonard, and others
Yorkshire Scientists Group: Professor Andy Marvin
Website: Professor Gavin Thomas (Hon. Web Officer), Mrs Margaret Leonard, Miss Catherine Brophy, and others
Clerk to the Society
Miss Frances Chambers, BA, MSc