YPS Members

Welcome to the Members page.

As you may have already discovered, membership confers a number of benefits as well as participation in our programme of events and activities. Members receive a free copy of the YPS Annual report and the quarterly newsletter. In addition, they may make reduced-cost use of the photocopier and have access to the Reading Room at the Lodge, and (Covid restrictions permitting), free entry to the Yorkshire Museum.

To make best use of the website, follow some of the highlighted links below:

About YPS leads to pages about the people who run the Society, our long and distinguished history, some digital content from the Annual report and lists of the winners of our annual Grants and Prizes.

YPS Groups lists information on a number of internal working groups, some of which you might wish to join. The Geology Group is particularly active, and its pages provide a wealth of information about the geology of Yorkshire and elsewhere, while the Activities Group organises a variety of events, and welcomes new members – especially anyone who is interested in helping to run them.

Resources provides over sixty pages of information about the Society, its archives and publications, along with a selection of articles on many other topics including an extensive section on Yorkshire Scientists and Innovators.

Volunteering provides more details on how you might make use of your skills to help us and become directly involved with our activities or join one of our specialist groups. We welcome members who wish to get involved with the activities of the Society – there is always a  place for your talents.

There is much more information than outlined here, and help to navigate can be found on the Website Help link on the left of this page.

If you have suggestions for the Society, or need any assistance in taking part in our events and activities, our Clerk, Frances Chambers, is always ready to help. Email info@upsyork.org or go to our Contact page.