Geological Map Pages

The Geological Map Mosaic

The YPS/YMT joint project to design and install a walk-on mosaic representation of the Yorkshire part of William Slide31Smith’’s 1815 Geological Map in Museum Gardens has proved a great success.  As well as being a stunning artwork, the mosaic provides an excellent starting point for learning about the geology of Yorkshire and elsewhere.

Leaflets to download

NEW  To download a leaflet describing the Geology in the Gardens trail, for beginners and families, click here:- Geology in the Gardens
To download a leaflet giving information on features to look for in the mosaic, click here:YMT YPS Mosaic Map Leaflet (Adults) ART
To download a ‘family friendly’ version of the above leaflet, click here:-20109 YMT YPS Mosaic Map Leaflet (Children) ART
To download a leaflet describing the rock samples placed next to the mosaic, giving modern names as well as those used by Smith, and information on where our samples were obtained, click here:Rock leaflet July 2016

About the mosaic

The stunning artwork created by artist Janette Ireland can be admired by all in Museum Gardens, in a beautiful spot in front  of the pavilion behind the ruins of St Mary’s Abbey. Boulder-size samples of the rock types identified by William Smith have been placed in the surrounding flower border, along with samples of the two clays, Red Marl and  boulder clay from Holderness, which have been fired into ceramics and mounted on concrete plinths. Mosaic strips of the pebbles used to represent each rock type, have been placed in front of each sample,in order to make a link between the samples and main mosaic. A poster explaining the project can be seen on the pavilion, and leaflets can be obtained from the Yorkshire Museum and the YPS, and these, along with further information can be downloaded via the links above.We hope that this will help to make this mosaic an attractive educational tool and an interesting introduction to Yorkshire geology for  people of all ages.

Thanks to tremendous support from YPS members, the YMT, and a number of local Trusts and Societies, we have successfully raised sufficient funds not only to finance the developments outlined above, but also to undertake a few smaller associated projects which will heighten its significance.

As well as celebrating the Bicentenary of Smith’s map,  the mosaic will form part of the YPS celebrations of our own Bicentenary in 2022. Background information on the project is available in the Reading Room at the YPS Lodge.

William Smith

William Smith was member, mentor and lecturer of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society, and uncle to The Yorkshire Museum’s most renowned curator, John Phillips.

For further information on their story, click here –  Smith and his map.

Museum Gardens

These beautiful gardens provide the setting for the geological map.

Click here for information about the book we have produced giving the story of their creation and developmentmuseum gardens2






